Planning out an argumentative Essay


Planning out your essay: 

Before you start planning out your essay it is very important that you plan out what your going to write so that you can focus on the topic and ensure that you are answering the writing prompt accurately. Here are some essay steps that you can use to plan out your essay:

  1. Underline the key vocabulary in the question and write words with the same or related meaning 
  2. Decide what kind of response is needed
  3. Brainstorm key points for the answer
  4. Decide on structure of the essay

Please remember that a well planned out essay usually results in a better response

Steps in writing your essay



It is important to remember that there are many ways to respond and this is just one of the many that you can choose.

Guided Writing Exercise: 

Independent Writing Exercise: 

Discussing Animals

Essential Language

I find…



interesting/ attractive/ enjoyable etc. 



Using the essential language above work with a partner and create a presentation discussing animals. Your presentation should cover the following points:

  •  Are there any animals that you and your partner particularly like? (if so why?)
  • Are there animals you and your partner can’t stand ? (If not why?)
  • Have you or your partner ever kept a pet?
  • Which animals are popular as pets in the UAE?
  • What kind of pet would you advise for the following people:

As well as covering the above points it should also briefly talk about whether the animal will be suitable as a pet for one of the people shown below:

    1.    an elderly person living alone
    2.    a seven year old child living in a house with a small garden
    3.     a single professional person living in a city apartment