Environmental Problems and Solution Essays

When writing a problem solution essay you can use the following types of structure:

  1. Introduction- introduce topic and give your clear answer to the task question
  2. Problems – give examples and supporting details
  3. Solutions – give examples and supporting details
  4. Conclusion – restate your answer to the question


  1. Introduction –  introduce topic and give your clear answer to the task question
  2. Main problem #1  & possible solutions  – give examples
  3. Main problem #2  & possible solutions – give examples
  4. Conclusion – restate your answer to the question

Download the tasks

Task 1: Envrionmental problems and solutions

Task 2: Problem Solution Independent Exercise

Planning out an argumentative Essay


Planning out your essay: 

Before you start planning out your essay it is very important that you plan out what your going to write so that you can focus on the topic and ensure that you are answering the writing prompt accurately. Here are some essay steps that you can use to plan out your essay:

  1. Underline the key vocabulary in the question and write words with the same or related meaning 
  2. Decide what kind of response is needed
  3. Brainstorm key points for the answer
  4. Decide on structure of the essay

Please remember that a well planned out essay usually results in a better response

Steps in writing your essay



It is important to remember that there are many ways to respond and this is just one of the many that you can choose.

Guided Writing Exercise: 

Independent Writing Exercise: 

4 Paragraph Structure for a Discussion Essay

Here is the simple 4 paragraph structure:

1. Introduction. This will be a short paragraph of only 2 – 3 sentences. It should clearly introduce the topic and claim made in the Task question. And it should clearly state your opinion and general answer to the call-to-action part of the Task question. See How to Analyze the Essay Question and How to write introductions quickly for IELTS Task 2.

2. First Main Idea. Here you provide your first main reason of support for your opinion. Add supporting details and examples.

3. Second Main Idea. Here you provide your second main reason of support for your opinion. Add supporting details and examples.

4. Conclusion. Simply restate your opinion.

Let’s look at an example of an Agree/Disagree question:

Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work in their free time to help the local community. They believe this would benefit both the individual teenager and society as a whole.

Do you agree or disagree?

Here’s how I would structure my essay:

1. Introduction. I paraphrase the first sentence about requiring teenagers to volunteer in the community. I state my opinion that I agree because it benefits both the teenager and the community.

2. First main reason why I agree – it benefits the individual teenager. Explain how it benefits them and give examples – opens their eyes to the problems of others, instills discipline and commitment, helps their communication skills as they have to work with others, etc.

3. Second main reason why I agree – it benefits society as a whole.  Explain how it benefits society and give examples – helps create stronger bonds within communities if teenagers are involved, communities always need helping hands in various projects – clean ups, setting up free events, providing services for elderly, sick or poor, etc.

4. Conclusion – restate that I believe that community volunteering is important to both teenagers as individuals and to society as a whole.

Essay Prompt for four paragraph structure