Watch & Listen (Unit 7 Sports and Competition)

Before we start looking at the exercises lets review through some vocabulary that will be covered in the unit :

jockey town square banner race track dangerous neighborhood
excited fall lap worried disappointed

What do these words mean, use the Quizlet link (below) to study the definitions:

Now that you have studied the words use the padlet link below to work in groups of 3 or four to write sentences showing an understanding of the meaning of the word. Remember to include a full stop and capital letter in each of your sentences:

Now complete the exercises found in the attachment below or log into your Unlock 2 book Listening and Speaking pg. 245-245 exercise 4&5. If you don’t have access to your ebook you can download the attached worksheet:  Vocabulary Exercises (Unit 7 Listening and Speaking

Pre-Watching Discussion Questions 

In groups discuss the following questions

  1. Have you ever seen a horse race in real life or on TV?
  2. Is horse racing popular in your country?

Choose a person in your group and write your responses on the following padlet link:

Your going to be watching a short video about a famous horse race use the link to brainstorm things you will see in the video (work in groups)

While Watching Questions 

While watching the video complete exercises 7&8 on 247-248. If you don’t have access to the ebook you can download the questions from the link below:

While you Watch (Listening & Speaking Unit 7)

Post Watch and Listen 

In pairs create poster using describing a famous place in Ras Al Khaiamah. Use the link below for a description of the task




Watch and Listen Unit 6 Reading and Writing

Today class we are going to watch a video about a group people known as storm chasers before we watch the video together lets discuss the following questions:

  1. What is your favorite weather? Why?
  2. What is your least favorite weather? Why?

Write your responses on the following link

Preparing to Watch 

Complete the vocabulary exercise (exercise 1 pg. 204 Reading & writing) or the exercise below

Read the dictionary definitions below what do you think is a storm chaser

Write your ideas on the following link

While Watching 

We are now going to watch a short video about storm chasers, while you watch the video remember to answer the questions. The questions  can be found in your text book on pgs. 206-209 exercises4-9 or you can download the following PDF from the link shown below

Watch and Listen Unit 6 Reading & Writing

After Video Discussion 


Get in pairs and discuss the following questions

Do you think Reed Timmer enjoys his job?  Why?

Share your ideas on the following link:



Watch and Listen Unit 6


We are going to watch a short video about the water cycle here is some vocabulary that you might hear during the video lets review it together:

Using “pages” write 5 sentences showing an understanding of the introduced vocabulary. Use pages or your notepad to write your sentences

Before you watch 

Using your general knowledge try and answer the following questions

Working pairs use the vocabulary words in the table below to write a short paragraph describing what is happening. Share your paragraph with the class. Remember to use pages to plan out your answers

cool droplet dust rise heat

While you watch: 

Now watch a video and respond to the following questions:

Write your answers in your notebook

Post Listening

Match the weather types with the climate words