Reading 1 (Ben Underwood)

Today we are going to be a reading an article about a remarkable teenage boy called Ben Underwood

Let’s watch a short video together about Ben Underwood while watching the video think about the following question

  1. What is amazing about Ben Underwood?
  2. What can the do

Write your answers in the padlet link below:

Vocabulary Exercises

Before we begin the reading lets have a look at some vocabulary that you will see in the reading:

a talent an operation cancer blind inspire incredible remove

Continue adding the words to your vocabulary presentation or to your quizlet page that you have previously started remember to include a definition, example sentence and a picture

Reading & Reading Comprehension

Read the article and respond to the comprehension questions:Reading 1 Unit 9-1bw77ig

Talking About Famous People 

In the video and reading we talked about a remarkable young man. In this activity I would like you to work in pairs and create a presentation using to talk about remarkable children  or teenagers.

Make sure that you presentation covers the following questions

  • What is his/her name?
  • Why is he/she famous?
  • How are their lives different from other children’s or teenagers’ lives? (think about the following school; hobbies; friends; home

Here is an example for you to follow:

Once you have created your thing link pictures please send them to me so that I can create a post for out class blog. Send your links to the following email address

Each pair must submit one picture

Supplementary Exercises 

Please complete the following supplementary exercises

Plural & Singular: plural-nouns-29lw9of

Subject Pronouns: Pronoun3_Subject_Pronouns-2-wbugwx


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