Giving Instructions

In today’s lesson we are going to learn how to give instructions related to sports.

Before we start the lesson lets watch a short video about lifting weights. While you watch the video take notes using an application like note pad on the steps needed to dead weight properly:

Compare your notes with your partner and share your ideas with the class.

Giving Instructions (Essay Structure) 

When giving instructions use the following 3 paragraph essay:


Should include 3 sentences

  1. A general sentence possibly describing the sport you will be describing
  2. A sentence talking about the picture and what it shows
  3. A thesis statement describing what you will be doing


Describe the different steps if what your describing. Remember to use sequence words such as: first, second, third & finally 


Make sure your conclusions starts with a concluding statement (for example to sum up, to conclude). Finish your conclusion with a general observation about the steps you have described. “To conclude we can see that to lift weights you need three basic steps”

Now that you understand the structure of giving instructions work through the attached document

Giving Insturctions -1guswxd

Independent Writing Task 

In this independent writing task you will be writing a three paragraph essay describing how to throw a javelin, Watch the video below and take notes using an app of your choice

Using the diagrams below write a three paragraph essay describing how to throw a javelin using a writing app of your choice. Remember to use the structure that i have shared with you

Use an app of your choice to write your essay remember to email me a copy of your essay so that i can review through it with you (

Use the checklist below to review through your work:

  1. Do you have three paragraphs
  2. Does your introduction include the following things: a general statement; a sentence talking about what the pictures sho; a thesis statement
  3. In your second paragraph describe the different and remember to use sequence words
  4. In your conclusion make sure that you use a concluding phrase and a general statement about the picture


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