Line Graph Review

What does the following graph show 

Suitable structure for describing a line graph:



Restate the title of the graph


Talk about the general shape of the graph. Don’t go into to much detail just talk about the main points. For example the highest and lowest points in the graph


Use this paragraph to talk about the details that you can see in the graph. Remember you need mention the main details and that your making a summary of what you can see. At this point you can start mentioning some of the data that you can see

Go to this link for more detail:

Sample Essay:

Now write a written response describing the line graph above which shows the “Temperatures in New York Over a year”

Use the following checklist to review through your work;

Does the report have a suitable structure?

  • Does it have an introduction, body and conclusion?
  • Does it include connective words to make the writing cohesive within sentences and paragraphs?

Does the report use suitable grammar and vocabulary?

  • Does it include a variety of sentence structures?
  • Does it include a range of appropriate vocabulary?

Does the report meet the requirements of the task?

  • Does it meet the word limit requirements?
  • Does it describe the whole graph adequately?
  • Does it focus on the important trends presented in the graphic information?


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