Core Vocabulary: Wildlife; transitive and intransitive verbs

Welcome back,

In today’s class we will be looking at the core vocabulary based on this unit as well looking at transitive and intransitive verbs. Please remember that it is important for you to be fully aware of vocabulary that is based on the unit as this may appear in future exams.

Task 1: 

Complete the following exercises:

Vocabulary- Wildlife

** Please note that you will be having a vocabulary test based on the vocabulary covered in these exercises 


Task 2: 

In the first part of Task 2 you will need to identify words in the following task match their definitions and decide what form the word takes. The reading is shown below:

Polar Bear Reading

After completing the first part of Task 2 you will need to identify Transitive and  Intransitive verbs

In order to help you understand the second part of Task 2 here is an explanation of transitive and Intransitive verbs

Study the following sentences carefully: 

  • She no longer feeds and instead lives off her stored fat through out the winter. 
  • Then the family leaves and makes its way to the sea ice, where the mother feeds and protects her cubs. 

As you can see from the two sentences feed is used in two ways. In the first sentence, feed means the same as “eat”. In the second sentence feed  means “give food to”.

The word is used intransitively in the first sentence and transitively in the second sentence. A transitive verb must be followed by a noun or noun phrase but an intransitive verb isn’t.  A few words like feed can be used in both ways, however most can only be used in one way

form and mean Transitive and intransitive verbs (exercise)

Task 3: 

Please complete the following vocabulary tasks

IELTS Vocabulary Builder Unit 6


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